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What is DHT and How Does it Relate to Hair Loss?

Learn all about DHT, the male hormone that causes hair loss. We'll suggest ways to combat DHT and male balding in this article.

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What is DHT and How Does it Relate to Hair Loss?

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Learn all about DHT, the male hormone that causes hair loss. We'll suggest ways to combat DHT and male balding in this article.
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If there is one thing we've all learned over the years, it's the importance of luck.

Some people are world-class athletes in every sport they've touched while others trip over their own feet. Some can learn a new skill or subject without a second thought while others are left behind.

That luck seems to apply to hair loss too. Some men hit their 80s with luscious locks while some men have bald crowns by 30.

If you've never been sure why that happened, allow us to solve the mystery. It all comes down to one hormone: DHT.

What Is DHT?

DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone. It's one of many "male hormones" that allows your body to develop male characteristics and do a variety of distinctly male functions.

Your body doesn't produce DHT in a gland as it does with most other hormones. In fact, a particular natural enzyme converts a certain percentage of your testosterone to DHT.

What Does DHT Have to Do with Hair Loss?

DHT is an important part of your male anatomy, but it has a downside. In many men, it can bind to receptors on the hair follicles in your scalp.

When it happens, it initiates a process called miniaturization. The follicles with DHT bound to them get smaller and weaker. They produce weaker, slower-growing hairs little by little until they stop producing hair altogether.

Interestingly, not all hair follicles are susceptible to this problem. The follicles around the back and sides of your scalp are resistant to DHT, which causes the well-known horseshoe hair pattern some men have.

Why Does DHT Cause Hair Loss in Some People More Than Others?

As we mentioned above, you've no doubt noticed that some men lose more hair than others. Why does this happen?

First of all, it's worth noting that hair loss hits almost all men at some point. In fact, 85% of men will be losing hair by the time they reach 50. However, hair loss starts earlier and has a more severe effect on certain men.

This is because some men are genetically more sensitive to DHT than others. Doctors aren't exactly sure why, but it's clear that DHT sensitivity runs in families.

What Can You Do About DHT-Related Hair Loss?

Hair loss may be a naturally occurring process, but that doesn't mean you need to sit by and watch it happen. Thanks to extensive medical research, there are treatments that have proven to be effective in fighting hair loss.

Using Effective Medication

Now that you know how DHT causes hair loss, how can you stop it in its tracks?

The answer lies in a combination of two medications: finasteride and minoxidil.

Finasteride for Hair Loss

Finasteride is an oral medication. You may know it under the brand name Propecia, but generic versions like the finasteride we offer at Alpha Now are less expensive while being just as effective.

Finasteride binds to that enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. This blocks the enzyme from creating as much DHT as it previously did. With less DHT in your system, your follicles won't feel its harsh effects.

For most men, finasteride is effective for stopping or slowing the progression of their hair loss. In some, though, it can help some of your lost hair regrow.

Finasteride is a prescription-only medication, but that doesn't mean a trip to your doctor. Alpha Now can connect you to physicians digitally who will assess your needs and issue you a prescription, allowing us to send the medication to your home.

Minoxidil for Hair Loss

The other top medication for hair loss is called minoxidil: the active ingredient in Rogaine.

Minoxidil is a topical medication. While finasteride stops your hair loss from continuing, minoxidil fights back against the hair loss that has already happened.

With consistent use, minoxidil reverses the miniaturization process to allow your hair follicles to regain their ability to grow hair. It further helps by pushing your follicles into the hair growth phase and keeping them in that phase for longer.

Like finasteride, minoxidil is FDA-approved as safe and effective. While Rogaine is available over the counter, our Alpha Now minoxidil is more budget-friendly.

Combining Surgery with Medicine

Some men ask, "Can't I skip the medication and have a hair transplant surgery instead?" That is a common myth. In truth, finasteride and minoxidil are crucial follow-up medications for any hair transplant surgery.

While a hair transplant seems to provide fast results, it doesn't do anything to stop that pesky DHT from binding to the transplanted follicles and creating the same problem all over again.

Finasteride and minoxidil are essential for maintaining hair transplant results. In fact, you'd have a hard time finding a transplant surgeon who doesn't recommend that their patients use the medications after surgery.

Reducing Other Risk Factors

The vast majority of men lose their hair because of male pattern baldness: the type of hair loss DHT causes. However, there are other factors that can make the problem worse.

Stress, poor nutrition, and certain underlying health conditions can cause hair loss. If any of these issues are adding to your hair loss, getting them under control will make your finasteride and minoxidil even more effective.

While it's hard to know if you're suffering ill effects from stress, malnutrition, or other issues, it's a good idea to improve these problems regardless.

Find ways to control the stress in your life. Be mindful about maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet. Keep up with regular physical exams and blood work to detect any other problems.

Protecting Your Hair

For countless men, hair loss has become a part of life. They choose to cope with the problem and let their self-esteem take a hit because they think they have no practical choice.

The truth is that hair loss due to DHT is rather easy to combat. All you need is a consistent routine with a combination of finasteride and minoxidil and you can fight back against hair loss.

To start the road toward feeling great about your hair again, reach out to our Alpha Now physicians for your prescription and other recommendations.


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15 Bad Habits that Might Be Hurting Your Sex Drive

Are you doing any of these bad habits? Increase male sex drive by cutting out these activities and see if it helps.

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15 Bad Habits that Might Be Hurting Your Sex Drive

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Are you doing any of these bad habits? Increase male sex drive by cutting out these activities and see if it helps.
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Let’s be honest. Having a weaker sex drive than your significant other is an uncomfortable situation to be in. There’s no prescription for the amount of sex you should be having with your partner, but if your desire to have sex disappears or isn’t as strong as before, you might be suffering from a low male sex drive.

It’s advisable to see a reproductive health professional for a diagnosis.

Meanwhile, you should avoid the following 15 habits that contribute to a low male sex drive:

1. Lack of Proper Physical Exercise Leads to Low Male Sex Drive

Working out in the gym will help with pumping blood to all the vital parts of your body. Lack of exercise will reduce your desire to have sex.

This is because exercise helps with the production of male sex hormones like testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for maintaining sexual desire. When the production of the male sex hormones stops or slows down, so does the desire to have sex.

Exercising for too long, or doing very intense workouts may also weaken the male initiative to have sex. You should balance between the extremes of exercising too much and too little. Moderate exercises in the gym will boost your flow of blood and put you in the right mood for sex.

2. Not Eating a Balanced Diet

If you overeat junk food, you're doing your libido a great disservice. You should avoid turning your snacking habits to a daily practice. According to Livestrong, the food you eat, and how much has a significant effort on your desire to have sex with your partner.

You should avoid greasy fries and salty foods at all costs. They contain phthalates which are associated with the low male libido. Overeating is also not an advisable habit.

Eat only the right foods in controlled amounts to restore your sex drive. Foods like chocolate, avocado, and watermelons can help boost the male sex drive.

3. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

If you take too much alcohol, the urge to have sex drive will suffer. The more alcohol there is in your blood, the weaker your sexual desire. This is because alcohol has a negative effect on the regulation of sex hormones.

You should cut down on your alcohol intake if you want to better your sex life.

4. Taking Antidepressants

Most antidepressants contain a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin brings a feeling of relaxation and reduces anxiety. Unfortunately, the serotonin can impair the hormones and make them unresponsive to regular sexual activity.

Low libido is a side effect of taking antidepressants.

Apart from antidepressants, you should also be careful about Beta blockers, oral contraception, and ACE inhibitors. They also have libido-reducing side effects

5. Ignoring your Mental Health

If you suspect you’re having mental health issues, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor. Depression and anxiety affect your desire to do anything at all; let alone have sex with your partner.

In case your doctor prescribes antidepressants to treat your mental condition, you shouldn’t stop taking your meditation to get your libido back.

When you're happy, your dopamine levels are high, and you'll crave more sex. But dopamine levels are significantly lower with mental health problems, hence low male sex drive.

It's essential to see a mental health counselor for further advice.

6. Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes affects your urge to have sex. It also lowers your overall sexual performance. The addictive substance in cigarettes, nicotine, is responsible for low libido in men who smoke.

7. Overworking

You should take time off work to relax your mind and body. Sex requires you to be emotionally healthy and be there for your partner.

During your time off, you can take up hobbies like gardening or yoga to help you relax. Such activities also open up the mind to being sexual.

8. Wrong Sitting Postures

Studies show that slouching affects your general mood and arousal. It also has severe effects on your spinal health.

You should sit upright to avoid loss of libido.

9. Watching Too Much Porn

Some studies prove that watching too much porn is linked to low male sex drive. Watching porn may raise your expectations from your partner, which ends in disappointment and low libido.

Long term porn consumption also causes sexual anorexia, which refers to sex-related fears that lower the male libido.

10. Avoiding Fish in the Diet

Foods with Omega-3-fatty acids are necessary to get you in the mood to have sex. You can find it in walnuts and fish.

Omega-3-fatty acids control the levels of sex hormones. How about trying out Tilapia for dinner?

11. Treating Sex Like a Chore

You should have a fun attitude towards sex. Do this by adding a little more cheer and intimacy to the bedroom. You can spice things up by suggesting a change of scenery, or a vacation.

12. Ignoring Other Reproductive Health Issues

Studies reveal 25 percent of men have erectile dysfunction (ED). If you don't take care of this problem, you're likely to have low self esteem and may not desire to have sex.

You should visit a reproductive health specialist to treat erectile dysfunction as early as possible.

13. Allowing Stress to Get to You

If you’re getting a lot of heat from work, or you’ve disagreed with a colleague, it makes you think less about having sex. Such stresses kill your mood and suppress the production of testosterone and other hormones.

14. Not Drinking Enough Water

Drinking enough water will improve your urge to have sex with your partner. Dehydration causes headaches and vaginal dryness, which reduces the drive for sex.

To regain your sexual urges, you should drink water at regular intervals throughout the day.

15. You haven’t Been Getting Much Out of Sex

You’re less likely to be excited about having sex if your partner doesn’t satisfy you in bed.

You can communicate with your partner about your sexual needs and see if they’re comfortable meeting them. You should be open to making the experience enjoyable for your partner as well.


Intimacy is an integral part of a relationship, and sex is a show of affection. A low male sex drive can cause major issues in a relationship.

While low male libido is treatable, you should pay attention to the habits to avoid to be safe.

For more health tips and information, please explore the other sections of our blog and answer our questionnaire today.

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The Relationship Between Cannabis Usage and Erectile Dysfunction

Is cannabis good or bad for ED? In this guide, we explore the relationship between marijuana and ED.

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The Relationship Between Cannabis Usage and Erectile Dysfunction

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Is cannabis good or bad for ED? In this guide, we explore the relationship between marijuana and ED.
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Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the world. Though it is legal now in Canada and many states, there is still some ambiguity about its long-term effects.

One area of confusion is the link between marijuana and erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction affects 1 in 4 men under the age of 40, and the percentage climbs higher with age. 

So, does marijuana help or hinder this unfortunate condition? Keep reading to find out more about the real relationship is between marijuana and ED.

What Is ED?

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual condition that prevents a man's ability to get or maintain an erection that is sufficient for sex. It happens when blood flow to the penis gets blocked or reduced.

Health conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or a drastic change in hormones can cause ED. Not only can it result in strained relationships and embarrassment, but frequent ED can also be a sign of underlying health problems. 

There are many factors that increase the likelihood of ED, and most of them have to do with lifestyle choices. A huge contributing factor is an inactive lifestyle. In most cases, erectile dysfunction will go away with frequent exercise and a healthy diet.

There are mental factors at play too; stress and anxiety have been heavily cited as causes of ED. It's hard to be in the mood when your mind is in overdrive. 

Occasional ED isn't necessarily a cause for concern. It's linked to lack of sleep, work stress, performance anxiety, and a long list of other factors. If it becomes a regular occurrence, however, it might be time to seek medical attention. 

Marijuana and ED

Some studies have shown a link between marijuana use and ED, though the research done so far has been conflicting. The main reason this could be true has more to do with the specific effects of marijuana than the drug itself. 

There are two active compounds in the marijuana plant: cannabinoids (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis that causes the sensation of being high. 

THC has many short-term effects including euphoria, mood changes, and altered senses. The euphoria caused by THC is often followed by a feeling of extreme drowsiness known as the burnout.

The "burnt out" feeling after smoking weed could lead to a decrease in arousal, which can potentially lead to ED. Marijuana can also have an effect on the circulatory system, resulting in higher blood pressure and an increased heart rate.

High blood pressure causes the artery walls to contract, causing less blood flow to important areas of the body (i.e., the penis). And lowered blood flow to the penis plays a big part in the difficulty to get or stay erect. 

Another link between marijuana and ED has to do with the cannabinoid receptors present in the smooth muscle tissue of the penis.

These receptors pose the possibility that marijuana use interrupts the normal function of this tissue, though there is more research needed to confirm this theory. 

Does Smoking Weed Cause Impotence?

While there have been some studies linking marijuana to impotency, the research is inconclusive. In fact, some have found that the opposite is true.

Some people experience increased arousal and an elevated desire for sex after they've smoked marijuana. Though it is possible that frequent marijuana use can make it harder for men to achieve orgasm.

There are many other factors at play, including the type of marijuana, the quantity, and the frequency you're smoking.  

The answer to this question isn't as clear cut as we'd like. It's more to do with your overall health and lifestyle as a whole. Most studies show that men who smoke and drink regularly have an increased chance of experiencing ED.

Though in many cases, regular exercise and a healthy diet can counter-balance or even completely cancel out the risk. The best cure for ED symptoms is to get off the couch and get moving.  

Other Causes of ED 

Most experts agree it's unlikely that marijuana is 100% to blame for ED. There are too many other contributing factors.

For example, cigarettes and alcohol have a much bigger impact on ED than marijuana. Men who smoke weed alongside drinking and smoking cigarettes have an increased chance of experiencing the symptoms.

The act of smoking itself causes the veins and arteries to constrict, resulting in high blood pressure. With this in mind, smoking anything has the possibility of decreasing blood flow to the penis. But cigarettes are the worst culprit. 

Alcohol is another leading cause of ED. Regularly drinking more than two drinks a day will restrict the blood flow to the penis. Drinking excessively also reduces the production of testosterone.

And testosterone is a key hormone for sexual health. Anything that negatively impacts the production of testosterone will inherently increase the chances of ED. 

Another cause of ED is high cholesterol. And this is where the research into marijuana and ED gets conflicting. Certain strains of marijuana actually lower cholesterol.

So if you're experiencing ED linked to high cholesterol, smoking marijuana could help reverse the symptoms. 

As mentioned earlier on, an inactive lifestyle and being overweight are the biggest contributing factors to ED. Stress, anxiety, drinking, and smoking also have an impact.

The Takeaway

Is there a definite link between marijuana and ED? The short answer is no. Some studies have found links between certain effects of marijuana and ED, but there is no conclusive evidence proving that marijuana on its own is to blame. 

If you're experiencing ED on a regular basis, consider your lifestyle. Making small changes to your daily routine by partaking in regular exercise, eating healthy and limiting your tobacco, alcohol and marijuana intake will go a long way.

Sufferers of diabetes might have an increased chance of experience ED, especially if the disease is being poorly managed.

Again, it all comes down to regular exercise and eating healthy. If symptoms persist, check out our erectile dysfunction products for some extra help overcoming it.  

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11 Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Erectile Dysfunction

Don't be shy! This guide will teach you how to talk to your doctor about ED and the important questions you should be asking.

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11 Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Erectile Dysfunction

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Don't be shy! This guide will teach you how to talk to your doctor about ED and the important questions you should be asking.
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If you're wondering how to talk to your doctor about ED, or erectile dysfunction, you're not alone. Countless men are too embarrassed to talk about the issue. 

Your doctor isn't going to judge you. They're a professional who's only concerned with your health or you need to see a different person. You should feel free to tell them anything about your body. 

When you're actually sitting in the doctor's office, it's very hard to remember everything you need to ask. 

1. What's the Cause of My ED?

Erectile dysfunction is a complicated problem. It can be attributed to both physical and mental causes. Before your treatment plan begins, you need to figure out what's causing your ED. 

If you're able to masturbate but struggle with ED issues when you're with a partner, it's a sign that your problem is psychological. If the issue persists whether you're with a partner or not, it might have a medical cause.

Once you identify the cause, your ED won't seem like such a daunting problem. 

2. Should I change My Lifestyle?

Whatever the cause of your ED, it can be worsened by your lifestyle. A poor diet, lackluster sleep, and stress have all been identified as contributing factors. No treatment is going to be successful if you're active sabotaging yourself with poor lifestyle choices. 

Be honest with your doctor during your appointment. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you need to be upfront about it. Your doctor can't really help you if you aren't honest. 

If you're worried about making the changes, start small. 

3. I'm a Young Man. Can I Still Experience ED?

ED is rare among young men. However, it's not unheard of. It's often caused by severe physical or mental trauma. 

Health issues like hypertension and diabetes can also lead to ED. That's another reason why your lifestyle is so important. If you're young, your doctor will have to seriously examine your health and living situation. 

4. Can I Expect Improvement? 

When you're with your doctor, all you want is honesty. There are some physical conditions that result in incurable ED. If you're in that situation, your doctor needs to be open with you. 

It's also possible that you experience slight or intermittent relief. You need to prepare for this as well. 

Doctors are fortune tellers so you won't be able to get an exact answer. But you are entitled to have your physician's professional opinion.  

5. Can You Recommend Any Natural Remedies?

Pharmaceutical medication may be able to help you. In fact, it might be your only option. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue other avenues. 

If your ED is caused by obesity-related problems, you might be able to cure yourself simply by changing your diet. Your doctor might be able to recommend other natural remedies that could be effective. 

6. Should I see a Psychiatrist?

Diagnosing your problem as psychological is just the first step. You still have to figure out how to address the problem. Perhaps the simplest solution is to see a therapist.

You should ask your doctor if that's what they recommend. It's possible that they believe there's another way to get the same effect. For example, if you're a lawyer studying for the bar exam, it's possible that you're so stressed out it triggers your ED. 

Your problem will go away after the test is over. You don't need therapy, you need patience. 

7. What Medicine Should I Take?

Sometimes, it's obvious that you need medication to solve your ED. There are multiple medications on the market, each with its own perks and drawbacks. Viagra is the most well-known ED drug but it's far from your only option. 

You can't choose your own medication. The right choice for you depends on your unique body chemistry. 

8. What Treatment Do You Recommend?

Ultimately, you can make your own decisions about your healthcare. If you prefer a natural or a medicated path, let your doctor know. 

But you should also try to get your doctor's opinion. Their experience and knowledge are invaluable. If you disagree with your doctor's approach, try to get a second opinion rather than just ignoring everything they say. 

9. Do I Need to Change My Prescription?

If you're already taking medication, it can affect both your ED and your potential ED treatment. You can't take any medication that might react adversely with your current pills. 

You might need to decide what's more important for your health. If you need an ED medication that doesn't fit well with the pills you're currently taking. 

10. What Are the Side Effects?

If you're prescribed ED medication by your doctor, it's important that you understand what the risks are. You may be willing to handle the potential side effects, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't know about them. 

Allow your doctor to list all of the side effects. Once you know what you're facing, you can decide what you want to do. It might be reasonable to on natural remedies if the potential side effects from pharmaceutical medications are too severe. 

Your doctor should be able to explain everything to you. 

11. Can I Break My Penis? 

If you've ever watched a medical show, you already know the answer to this. Yes, technically you can break your penis. However, you may not understand how you can avoid this. 

There's no bone that can fracture but there is an area called the tunica albuginea. It's made up of tough tissue that helps keep your penis rigid when it's erect. If there's a tear in the fiber, your penis "breaks." 

It's extremely painful and can lead to dire results, including ED. In fact, just worrying about penile fractures can lead to ED. 

Talk to your doctors about your fears. 

How to Talk to Your Doctor About ED

If you're asking Google how to talk to your doctor about ED, it's a sign you need to see your doctor. Don't try to self-diagnose. 

We're here to provide a resource for men struggling with ED. Here's how we can help




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Can Caffeine Help Erectile Dysfunction?

Drink more coffee! Caffeine has been known to help stimulate male sex drive. Here is what you need to know about caffeine and ED.

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Can Caffeine Help Erectile Dysfunction?

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Drink more coffee! Caffeine has been known to help stimulate male sex drive. Here is what you need to know about caffeine and ED.
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All men have trouble getting erections from time to time, but this is often temporary. But if it recurs, you could have erectile dysfunction (ED). More than 5% of men in their forties and 15% of men in their seventies have with complete erectile dysfunction.

Studies on treatment and management of ED have made enormous strides in the last three decades. The landmark, of course, was the FDA approval of Viagra in March 1998.

Since then, researchers have studied many therapies, including the relationship between caffeine and ED. While the topic is relatively new, some studies have shown different results. This article highlights these results and why you should care about them.

Read on to learn more.

Why is Caffeine and ED Research Difficult?

The study of ED is difficult because it presents for different reasons in different men (multi-factorial). For example, ED can arise due to both physiological conditions and psychological conditions. The former include low testosterone, nerve damage, etc., while the latter include anxiety, stress, inferiority complex, etc.  

As a result, therapies that are being studied must bear in mind the causative factor. Also, because ED relates to blood flow, underlying diseases that affect blood flow will have some impact on your sexual health. For instance, ED can worsen if you have arteriosclerosis, heart diseases, and diabetes.

To determine the relationship between caffeine and ED, it’s not enough to create two groups of men – one on caffeine therapy and the other on placebos. Research must account for other variables like age, cause of ED, weight, and underlying diseases.

To illustrate this point, below are results from some landmark studies on caffeine and ED:

Effects of Caffeine Intake on ED Prevalence

A 2004 study found that men who took moderate amounts of caffeine (170-375 mg, equal to 2-3 cups of coffee) reported lower incidences of ED.

The study featured more than 3,700 men aged 20 years and above. It showed reduced prevalence even in obese/overweight men and hypertensive men. However, caffeine intake did not have a similar effect in diabetic men.

While unconfirmed, researchers postulate that caffeine has an effect on ED because of its properties as a stimulant. The biological mechanism suggested is that caffeine causes penile arteries and smooth muscles to relax, increasing blood flow to the penis.

Conversely, another study from 1994-1999 found that caffeine intake did not affect the prevalence of ED. In this study, 1442 men received and responded to questionnaires about ED over a 5-year period (1994 and 1999).

Initially, 3143 men received questionnaires in 1994 and 2864 in 1999. Of these, 1442 men had responded to both questionnaires, and they comprised the baseline for determining the study estimates.

So, why the difference in findings?

The 2004 study involved 3724 men, which was a much larger sample size than the latter’s 1442 men. A larger sample size increases the reliability of study results.

In addition, researchers used the 24-hour dietary recall method to track caffeine consumption. This method is better than asking the men to generalize on their caffeine intake.

Consider that caffeine is an ingredient in many dietary sources, and not just tea or coffee. By asking participants all the food they consumed, researchers can make better estimates of the caffeine intake.  

However, researchers in the 2004 study pointed out that ED is multi-factorial. Also, they didn’t study risk factors like cardiovascular diseases. More research was necessary before there could be any reliable conclusions.

Coffee Intake and Incidence of Erectile Dysfunction - 2018

This paper, published in May 2018, contradicted the findings of the 2004 study. It was a much larger study, covering more than 21,000 men from 40 to 75 years of age (median age was 62 years). Researchers interviewed participants using a series of questionnaires for a follow-up period of 10 years from 1998-2008.

The study determined that regular and moderate coffee intake did not affect erections. However, it found that drinking decaffeinated coffee (decaf) could affect the incidence of ED, especially among smokers.

Participants gave information about their dietary habits and erectile function. Researchers also tracked lifestyle and health characteristics such as diabetes, obesity, smoking, marital status, alcohol consumption, and hypertension.  

Thirty-four percent of participants conceded to having ED. Sixty-five percent of participants drank one cup or either regular or decaf coffee every day in 1998, while 11 percent drank four or more cups. This did not change much in the course of the study.  

The study did not establish the role of caffeine in urological health conclusively. However, science postulates that coffee can have some health benefits. This is because of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds and caffeine found in coffee.

The authors advised caution when interpreting these results, especially for decaf coffee drinkers. High decaf drinkers here also had more elevated cholesterol and higher levels of hypertension and alcohol consumption. All these are cardiovascular risk factors which could impact the finding that decaf drinkers had a higher incidence of ED.

Some limitations of this study include the fact that participants received questionnaires every four years (2000, 2004 and 2008). Therefore, it was difficult for them to account for recent changes. Also, researchers could not establish the method of brewing (and hence, the amount of effective caffeine).

Caffeine and ED - Final Thoughts

It would be easy enough to say, “Drink 2-3 cups of coffee every day if you want to prevent ED.” As you can see, however, this area of research is still not well understood. The multi-factorial nature of ED does not make this determination any easier.

What if some participants noticed improvements because drinking coffee helps them to relax?

Because these studies on caffeine and ED involved participants giving their own data, there is a large margin for human error. More scientific studies that involve monitoring the caffeine intake of a carefully-selected group of participants can shed more light on this subject.

In the meantime, all three studies have shown that moderate caffeine intake doesn’t have a negative effect on ED. So, for now, you can drink your 2-3 cups of coffee daily in peace; it won’t hurt. Hopefully, future research should provide more reliable conclusions.

If you have ED, there is help out there. Just fill the questionnaire to connect with an Alpha physician.

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Benefits of Acupuncture for Erectile Dysfunction

One alternative medical treatment many men are considering for ED is acupuncture. Would you try acupuncture for ED? Here's what you need to know.

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Benefits of Acupuncture for Erectile Dysfunction

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One alternative medical treatment many men are considering for ED is acupuncture. Would you try acupuncture for ED? Here's what you need to know.
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You may know the causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), aging, hormone imbalance, certain medications, even stress, anxiety, and depression. Current treatment options focus on improving lifestyle habits and prescription medication. But did you know researchers are exploring newer treatments options?

Some researchers are exploring the use of acupuncture for ED with some very promising results. ED is a complex medical condition. ED causes men to either lose their desire for sex or impacts their ability to get or maintain an erection. There are, however, effective treatments.

Read on to learn move about acupuncture treatment for ED and how you can improve your sex life by treating your erectile dysfunction.

What is Acupuncture?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a state of health exists when there is a balance of yin and yang. Yin and yang are the conflicting energy of one's life force also known as qi. Illness, therefore, is the result of an imbalance of those forces and treatment should focus on restoring balance.

What to Expect in an Acupuncture Session?

Acupuncture inserts thin needles into points along your meridians, in specific orders, combinations, and depths to bring qi back into a harmonious flow. The location of needles during a session for ED treatment are your abdomen, hands, and legs, not in your genitalia.

During needle insertion, you may feel brief tingling or stinging, but it is relatively painless. Adding heat or electricity to the needles is also common. The needles remain in place for 5-30 minutes. The number of sessions needed is highly variable. 

Want to Try Acupuncture for ED? How to Find the Right Acupuncturist.

The National Certification Commission in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) will help find a licensed practitioner. It is important to ask practitioners about their education and training as well as their experience working with ED patients.

Risks Acupuncture

There are minimal risks associated with acupuncture. They include bruising, swelling, or soreness. The standard practice is to use sterile, single-use needles and infection risk is low. The benefits, in this case, far outway the risks. Do not try acupuncture if you have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners.

Current Research on Acupuncture

We actually know quite a lot about which conditions benefit from acupuncture. According to the Acupuncture Evidence Project, there are 117 conditions that acupuncture can treat in some manner. During the project, researchers reviewed the effectiveness of acupuncture for 122 treatments over 14 clinical areas.

Overall, it appears that acupuncture is most effective in pain management. It shows promise in other areas, especially those associated with reproduction, but the number of studies in this area is small.

When looking at the effectiveness of acupuncture in scientific studies, keep the following in mind. In the strongest study, a randomized controlled clinical trial, the patient does not know if they are receiving treatment or a placebo. It is very difficult to not let the subject know you are inserting needles. Research in this area is challenging and it will take multiple studies to truly understand the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment modality for ED.

Research into understanding how acupuncture works, however, is not well understood. Does it balance energy? Does it have a neurological effect? The answer to this is still unraveling.

Research on Acupuncture for ED

Western science has matched some of the Chinese meridians to neural pathways and locations where nerves, muscles, and connective tissue meet. Stimulation of these areas, with needles or manual pressure, increases the blood flow to the area and stimulates the body's natural painkillers. Increased nerve sensation and increase blood flow both benefits those suffering from erectile dysfunction.  

Acupuncture for ED Caused by Psychological Issues

Research in Austria compared acupuncture for ED to a placebo group treated with acupuncture for headaches. They reported that 68.4% of the treatment group reported improved erections. While the remain treatment group reported minor improvements.

Researchers from Australia compared two groups of men suffering from ED. The treatment group received acupuncture in locations to benefit ED. The control group received acupuncture in different locations. Acupuncture cured 2/3rds of the participants of their ED and those participants did not seek additional treatment. The remaining 1/3 noted some benefit from acupuncture but requested additional medical support.

Because there is a strong psychological component to ED. Meeting with an acupuncturist, itself, may help to provide emotional support for men suffering from ED.

It may be hard to talk about ED. If you are uncomfortable discussing your ED symptoms or treatment with your physician, explore telemedicine options.

Research to date has primarily focused on individuals with ED caused by psychological issues. While the mechanism of action is not fully understood, the result on ED is mostly positive. 

To determine if acupuncture is beneficial for ED caused by medications or mechanical reasons, we need additional research.

Blending Acupuncture and Traditional Western Medicine

Acupuncture is an adjunct therapy, often used alongside traditional western medicine to western medicine to optimize results. This is particularly helpful for those with ED caused by emotional and physical reasons. 

When Western Medicine Fails

If you have tried medications, like Viagra, without success. Acupuncture may provide a solution. A case study, on a single patient, found that manual acupuncture combined with acupuncture with electrical simulation improved erection function in 5 major areas of the erection:

  • Confidence;
  • Hardness;
  • Maintenance during sex;
  • Maintenance to completion; and
  • Overall satisfaction.

This study shows promise for those who have not found a successful treatment for their ED

A study at the Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine combined acupuncture with Chinese herbs to treat ED. This study found a total effective rate of 46.56%. Harnessing the power of Chinese herbs, in addition to acupuncture, could improve ED treatment outcomes. 

Ready for Real Solutions to Your Erectile Dysfunction?

Research into Acupuncture for ED is still in its early stages. If you are looking for a solution for your ED, contact us. If you have questions about ED symptoms or treatment options contact one of our board-certified physicians. They are available 7 days a week to address all your ED needs.

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A Guide to Using Breathwork and Meditation for Erectile Dysfunction

Worried that your mind is interrupting your sex life? We'll share some breathing and relaxation techniques in this guide on how to fix psychological ED.

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A Guide to Using Breathwork and Meditation for Erectile Dysfunction

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Worried that your mind is interrupting your sex life? We'll share some breathing and relaxation techniques in this guide on how to fix psychological ED.
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When we care for our mental health, we are more likely to feel happy, confident, and relaxed. But, if our mind runs on autopilot, we can experience an array of negative effects. Some of these negative effects include anxiety, depression, and even erectile dysfunction. 

But, knowing how to fix psychological ED using relaxation techniques can provide some relief.

Erectile dysfunction can affect your entire life. It can affect your romantic relationship, self-esteem, and stress levels.

Erectile dysfunction can cause you to not get an erection or not desire sex. A diagnosis of ED could also mean that you are unable to ejaculate or orgasm during sex. 

It's a condition that affects many men for a wide variety of reasons. One of the most influenceable causes of ED is stress. We can't avoid stress in our day-to-day lives, but we can learn how to manage and cope with it. 

Want to learn one of the best ways to cope with ED? Read on to learn more about how meditation and breathwork help ED. 

How to Fix Psychological ED Using Meditation and Breathwork

Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises are popular in our modern society. In a fast-paced world, this trend isn't for show. Meditation can help someone to feel less anxiety. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce symptoms of depression. 

So, how do these relaxation and concentration techniques help with psychological erectile dysfunction?

An increase in stress hormones can cause psychological erectile dysfunction. This because stress hormones restrict blood flow through the body. 

To get an erection, you need to have proper blood flow. But, it may be difficult or impossible to get an erection when your stress levels are high.

Mediation and other relaxation techniques can help to lower stress hormones. These techniques can also help to retrain your emotional brain over time. With regular practice, you can reduce your stress levels long-term. 

Explore the following meditation and relaxation techniques to treat your psychological ED. 

1. Meditation

Meditation is a practice and a discipline. There are many types of meditation, but most involve concentration and awareness. 

One way to meditate is through breath awareness. Start by focusing on your chest, stomach, or nostrils when breathing. Notice how the breath moves in and out without trying to change its rhythm. 

Your awareness and focus on your breath will act as an anchor during your practice.  Each time you focus on your thoughts, then you will return to your breath awareness.

What you'll notice is that the mind wanders. It wants to think about what's on your to-do list or worries from the day. When you're focusing on your thoughts and worries, move your awareness back to the breath. 

Repeat this as many times as needed during your meditation practice. Be patient with yourself as you learn this new skill. 

Start meditating for 5 minutes per day. Then, increase this amount when you gain more practice and discipline. Strive for a goal of 20 to 30 minutes per day.

2. Breathing Exercises

You can practice breathing exercises at any time during the day. You can do them at your desk, while at lunch, or at home. 

When stressed, our breathing tends to get shallow. This is a natural reaction from the flight-or-fight response.

During this response, the body prepares for action and shuts down digestion. But, we can use breathing exercises to counteract this response.

Using breathing exercises communicates to the body that no real threat exists. This allows the nervous system to return to a place of calm and stop producing stress hormones. 

To start, you'll need to learn how to breathe from your diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breathing can lower blood pressure and slow breathing. It also reduces the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone. 

One breathing exercises to try is the 4-7-8 method.

To start, breath in for four counts. Then hold the breath for seven counts. After that, release the breath to the count of eight. 

You will repeat this process four times. It's recommended to stop this sequence if you feel light-headed. 

3. Positive Affirmations

Our brains respond to our thoughts and beliefs. It cannot distinguish a "real" thought versus an imagined thought.

To prove this, imagine holding a lemon in your hand. Then, imagine biting into the lemon and chewing it for a few seconds.

Did you salivate when you thought about biting into the lemon? Did you shudder with disgust when thinking about its sourness?

This is the power of the mind. We can use the power of the imagination by practicing positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are helpful phrases you repeat to yourself.

It's powerful to think about positive mental images when using positive affirmations. This will help to enhance the experience and the effects of positive affirmations. 

Positive affirmations that can reduce stress levels and improve confidence include:

  • I have excellent coping skills; I can handle anything.
  • Stress is normal and stress can be good.
  • This too will pass.
  • I am safe, loved, and loveable.
  • I am a worthy human being with great talents.
  • I can meet my needs.
  • I am strong, capable, and worthwhile.

How to Fix Psychological ED Long-Term

Knowing how to fix psychological ED using meditation and relaxation techniques is beneficial. But, the next step is practicing daily. To see the best long-term results, complete these exercises every day. 

If these exercises don't seem to be working on their own, then seek out a healthcare professional. A healthcare professional, such as a doctor, will be able to diagnose ED. They can also provide you with any medications to relieve the symptoms.

A healthcare professional may also suggest other lifestyle changes.

Many men find it stressful to speak with a physician in-person about this condition. If this is how you feel, then you're not alone. Consider telemedicine instead of meeting with a doctor in-person.

To speak with a board-certified physician via telemedicine, contact us today

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How Statins Can Affect Your Testosterone Levels

Did you know that statins are actually bad for sex drive? We explore the relationship between statins and ED in this guide.

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How Statins Can Affect Your Testosterone Levels

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Did you know that statins are actually bad for sex drive? We explore the relationship between statins and ED in this guide.
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What if your cholesterol treatment was giving you erectile dysfunction?

Many people receive statin therapy as a way of controlling their cholesterol levels. However, it turns out that there are some surprising connections between statins and ED.

Wondering what those connections are and how you can avoid the threat of ED? Keep reading to uncover the secrets!

What Are Statins?

We have prepared a thorough guide describing the link between statins and testosterone levels. Before we go further, though, it's important to define what statins are.

For example, you may never have heard the word "statins" before. The short answer is that this refers to a variety of prescription drugs that are offered to people to help them deal with cholesterol issues.

Some popular statins include Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor. If you are unsure whether you are currently taking any statins as part of your prescriptions, we recommend consulting with your primary physician.

Do Statins Lower Testosterone?

Now that you know what statins are, we come to the bigger question. Do they lower your testosterone levels?

At a glance, the answer seems to be yes. But further below, we will detail the research challenges and questions that make the connection between statins, testosterone, and ED difficult to fully determine.

Those who are part of any statin therapy program are twice as likely to develop hypogonadism. This is a condition in which those affected do not produce enough testosterone for their body's needs.

These were the findings of an Italian study whose results were published back in 2010. And that study correlates with earlier studies that explored a possible link between statins and testosterone.

Information and Misinformation

One of the reasons that it can be challenging to understand statins and their effects on ED is all of the misinformation out there. Simply put, there are many false claims for which medications and supplements have positive and negative effects on testosterone levels.

As an example, there was a persistent rumor that taking Vitamin D would lower testosterone levels. And this was understandably alarming considering how many people take this supplement each and every day.

Fortunately, this ended up being entirely false. An extensive study found no statistically significant drops in testosterone among those who increased their Vitamin D intake.

When it comes to statins, though, the results have been statistically significant. And, generally speaking, the results have been consistent.

What Is "Low Testosterone?"

We have focused a lot on the idea of low testosterone. And while most men want to avoid low testosterone, there is a lot of confusion over what this term means.

The American Urology Association says that you have low testosterone if you have less than 300 nanograms per deciliter. In this way, you can have your exact testosterone levels measured and analyzed to determine if they are "low."

How do you know if it's worth checking out, though? Before you go to the doctor's office, be aware of the following potential symptoms for low testosterone.

The most obvious symptom is a lower sex drive. The other pronounced symptom is the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.

Some of the less obvious symptoms include depression, irritability, and fatigue. And if your lean muscle mass seems to be diminishing, this can be a sign of testosterone reduction.

Statistically Scary

We have established that there is a seeming link between statins and ED. But do you know why this information is potentially so scary?

A vast number of people suffer from cholesterol-related issues. Nearly 1 in 6 adults in America have high cholesterol. 

That means that millions of men may face a difficult choice: to deal with high cholesterol or to deal with low testosterone. However, awareness of these potential issues lets you open a dialogue with your physician.

Together, you can figure out what treatment is best for you and your body.

Unexplained Phenomena

Here's where science gets a bit frustrating. We know through repeated studies that there is a link between statins and ED. However, we still don't know why that link exists!

This is to say that scientists and researchers have been able to demonstrate a link between these two things repeatedly. And they have been able to replicate their research results across multiple studies.

However, knowing the link is there and understanding why the link is, there are different things. And the jury is still out on why statins have this particular effect.

Ultimately, this could be a kind of silver lining, though. When we better understand this relationship in the future, doctors may be able to treat cholesterol with statins that do not threaten your testosterone level.

Alternatives to Statins

We have established that statins are harmful to your testosterone level and may cause issues such as ED. This makes statins bad for your sex drive.

Fortunately, there are many alternatives to statins. So if you suffer from high cholesterol, there are many other ways you may be able to help your body.

Sometimes, a simple change in diet can help. You can access more Omega-3s via seafood and supplements, and this helps to fight high cholesterol by lowering your triglycerides.

Getting more Niacin in your body can also help out. This B vitamin can lower your cholesterol levels and have other positive effects on the blood fats within your body.

There are also medical alternatives to statins. PCSK9 inhibitors help to get unwanted cholesterol out of your body. And some of these drugs may help to defend against heart attacks and strokes.

And new drugs and discoveries are always on the horizon. So, if you are a man using statins, keep in mind that you may be able to move away from that treatment plan under the direction of your doctor.

The Bottom Line

Now you know about the connection between statins and ED. But do you know who can help you learn more about your sexual health?

Here at Alpha, we help men understand and improve their bodies. To see what we can do for you, check out our research on the physical causes of sexual dysfunction.


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7 Best Vitamins for Stimulating Hair Growth

Wondering if there are any vitamins that will help with hair growth? Here are the best supplements for hair growth that occur naturally.

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7 Best Vitamins for Stimulating Hair Growth

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Wondering if there are any vitamins that will help with hair growth? Here are the best supplements for hair growth that occur naturally.
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Have you looked at yourself in the mirror and realized that your hair isn’t as healthy as it used to be? Or has someone commented about your hair losing its former glory? Perhaps it’s time you looked at what you’re eating.

Most people consider healthy-looking hair as an indicator of good health and beauty. And like any other part of your body, hair needs various nutrients to grow and stay healthy.

Although factors such as genes, age, and hormones play a crucial part in hair growth and loss, nutrition plays a more prominent role. Most nutritional deficiencies are the reason for hair weakening and hair loss. If you don’t supply your hair follicles with the necessary nutrients, the hair that grows out of them will be thinner and brittle. Such hair can fall out easily before maturity.

However, if you start eating the right foods and supplying your hair with the perfect mix of nutrients, it’s likely to start growing back. It will also become stronger and look better. But, it may take a few months to see the change.

Here are the best supplements for hair growth that occur naturally and can help you stimulate hair growth:

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for cell growth. All cells in your body require the nutrient to develop, and this includes the hair.

Vitamin A also helps in moisturizing the scalp and keeping hair healthy by aiding the secretion of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by skin glands. Diets with low amounts of vitamin A in them can lead to a variety of problems, including loss of hair.

But it’s important to get the right amounts of vitamin A for your hair’s sake. Studies indicate that too much consumption of this nutrient can contribute to hair loss.

Some of the best food sources for vitamin A include carrots, spinach, potatoes, and pumpkins. Animal products such as eggs, milk, and yogurt are also a good source. Cod liver oil is one of the best vitamins A natural sources to consider.

2. Vitamin B

One of the most important vitamins B’s for hair growth is known as biotin. It helps with hair growth and aids in preserving the natural color of your hair. Studies show that its deficiency contributes to hair loss in human beings.

But biotin deficiency is rare because the body naturally produces it. The vitamin is also present in many common foods like eggs, avocados, and whole grains.

Other B vitamins help in the production of red blood cells. These cells are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, hence supporting hair growth. Some of the best food sources for vitamin B include leafy greens, meat, whole grains, peanuts, almonds, and seafood.

3. Vitamin C

Free radicals produced by the natural body metabolism can result in age changes such as white/grey hair, as well as hair loss. They can prevent hair growth and cause your hair to age. The best way to deal with free radicals is by consuming more antioxidants to neutralize them.

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that acts as a protective and preventative agent against the harm caused by free radicals. Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of a protein called collagen, which helps with hair growth.

Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron. Iron is a vital mineral in hair growth and development. Some of the best food sources for vitamin C include citrus fruits, vegetables, strawberries, guavas, tomatoes, pumpkin, berries, and peppers.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is said to contribute to alopecia, which is a form of hair loss. It is also among the causes of telogen effluvium. This is a stress-related condition that results in a rapid shedding of hair, and it can be severe in some instances.

Research shows that vitamin D can help in the development of new follicles and hence boost hair growth. But, more studies need to be done to ascertain the exact role of vitamin D in hair growth.

The best way to increase vitamin D in your body is by getting more sun exposure. The body produces the vitamin when it comes into direct contact with the sun’s rays. Other excellent sources of vitamin D include cod liver oil, fatty fish, and special mushrooms.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the best supplements for hair growth. In one scientific study, study participants suffering from hair loss experienced a 34.5% increase in their hair growth after eight months of vitamin E supplementation.

Vitamin E is similar to vitamin C because it’s an antioxidant. It plays a vital role in promoting hair growth as well as preventing oxidative stress.

The best vitamin E food sources include spinach, avocado, peanuts, almonds, and broccoli.

6. Iron

Iron deficiency is a leading cause of thinning or hair loss, especially in women. Ladies with alopecia areata are known to have significantly low amounts of iron in their body than those without hair loss. Iron deficiency also results in anemia, which is a major reason for hair loss.

Iron helps in boosting the functions of red blood cells and hence contributes to healthy hair growth. Food rich in iron includes green leafy vegetables, whole grains, meat, seafood, lentils, and eggs.

7. Zinc

Zinc is essential in the repair and regeneration of body tissues, including hair cells. It helps in nourishing the oil glands around hair follicles.

Zinc deficiency results in the growth of weak hair that easily breaks or falls out prematurely. Some of the best food sources of zinc include beef, oysters, spinach, lentils, almonds, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Some of the Best Supplements for Hair Growth

A healthy diet has a whole range of benefits for your body. There are hundreds of artificial supplements sold online that can help with hair loss, but the best supplements for hair growth occur naturally. Include all the above foods in your diet from now henceforth, and in a few months, you’re going to see results.

Read on to find more exciting and informative topics on health-related issues, particularly on hair loss and erectile dysfunction.

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How Sleep Loss Decreases Testosterone Levels

Lack of sleep can affect testosterone levels and sex drive. We have outlined everything you need to know about sleep and testosterone in this article!

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How Sleep Loss Decreases Testosterone Levels

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Lack of sleep can affect testosterone levels and sex drive. We have outlined everything you need to know about sleep and testosterone in this article!
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Men pride in their performance in the bedroom and the inability to rise to the occasion is a recurring nightmare for most people.

Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction?

It is worth noting that there is a special relationship between sleep and testosterone levels.

If sleeping late each night is something you love doing, then it's high time you change this habit.

Besides, affecting your sexual activity, low testosterone has been linked to other health issues for men. They include fatigue, reduced energy levels, poor concentration, and low libido.

Lack of sleep can affect testosterone levels and sex drive. Here's what you should know about sleep and testosterone.

Sleep and Testosterone Levels

A study financed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute discovered that lack of sufficient sleep could result in a drastic drop of testosterone levels in men over a short period like a week. This decline in testosterone levels is comparable to about 10 to 15 years of aging.

Generally, testosterone levels in men decline by 1% to 2%, as they get older.
In 2011, research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recounting the consequence of one-week sleep withdrawal in a group of ten healthy, young men.

The previous studies depicted that continued decrease in sleep time resulted in low Testosterone in older men.

Moreover, these studies also exposed that lack of sleep is caused by sleep apnea. It's a chronic breathing difficulty that happens when one is asleep. It also leads to low testosterone.

Testosterone and Sleep Deprivation

The JAMA research featured ten men enrolled from the University of Chicago. All went through some tests to determine if any had endocrine or psychiatric disorders and sleep disorders.

The guys were 24 years old on average and in good health.

At first, during the study, the ten men stayed in the laboratory and slept for approximately ten hours for three nights.

Then later, the schedule was altered. They slept less than five hours for eight nights. Blood samples from the subjects were obtained every 15-30 minutes for 24 hours on the last day of their 10-hour sleep cycle as well as on the final day of the 5 hours.

The results depicted that lack of sleep harmed the testosterone levels. These had declined by 10% to 15% in just a week of experiencing sleep deprivation.

The study further revealed that most of the guys had lower testosterone levels in the afternoon of their restricted sleep days. This was between 2 pm and 10 pm.
Additionally, the men also reported that their moods and vigor were affected as their blood testosterone levels reduced.

Testosterone and Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a condition where one experiences breathing difficulties while sleeping.

The symptoms of the disorder include loud snoring at night, feeling sleepy during daytime and short periods of absent breathing.

Sleep apnea leads to an abnormal sleeping cycle. It's therefore believed that it also affects one's testosterone levels. As such, treating sleep apnea is one of the methods of restoring normal testosterone levels.

In 2012, a study done by the American Urological assessed 2,121 police officers. They sought to establish the relationship between testosterone and sleep apnea.

The findings of the survey revealed that approximately 38% of the guys had low Testosterone, and 43% of them were suffering from sleep apnea. The research concluded that men with sleep apnea are 50% susceptible to low testosterone levels than those without the sleeping disorder.

Dr. DeSouza, the director of the JAMA study, elucidated that to have average testosterone production, a man needs a restful and undisturbed sleep known as REM sleep. This is because most of the testosterone used daily is replenished, while one is sleeping.

Tips for Better Sleep 

According to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthy individual requires 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

To establish a good sleeping schedule, here are a few pointers:

  •  First, create a routine where you sleep and wake up at the same time each day even during the weekends and holidays.
  • Second, ensure that you sleep in a comfortable environment, which is quiet, dark, and has desirable temperatures to sleep.
  • Third, Limit bedroom distractions such as TV, books, or computers. Your bed should be used for sex and sleeping only.
  • Lastly, avoid eating a big meal just moments before going to bed.

Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction

Testosterone is one of the chemical composition that stimulates a man's sexual drive. This is because it helps in achieving and maintaining an erection.

Testosterone aids erection by stimulating brain receptors to release nitric oxide. This is the element that triggers the necessary chemical reactions required for an erection to take place.

As such, low Testosterone levels make it harder for a guy to get an erection before sex or to get spontaneous erections, especially during sleep.

Natural Treatments for Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction

Approximately 15% of Americans sleep at least five hours each night. In light of the JAMA study, Dr. DeSouza believes that physicians need to consider low T as the diagnosis for their patients who complain of sleep complications or fatigue.

There are several remedies to treat low testosterone without having to use Viagra or other medications. These methods are only natural but also pose no side effects on the patient:

  • Restoring the average testosterone level has everything to do with adopting a healthy lifestyle change.
  • Exercising improves blood flow and is vital in stimulating the production of nitric oxide in the blood vessels. As such exercising works the same way, Viagra works.
  • Eating well-balanced diet aids in maintaining healthy body weight.
  • Getting an uninterrupted 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Quit habits like smoking which led to erectile dysfunction.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.

From the above, we have established a connection between sleep and testosterone.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, lack of concentration, low libido, loud snoring, and lack of energy see your physician.

Check out this page for more information.


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5 Factors that Affect Male Sex Drive

There are many factors that contribute to a low libido in men. Here are 5 things to consider in your everyday life.

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5 Factors that Affect Male Sex Drive

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There are many factors that contribute to a low libido in men. Here are 5 things to consider in your everyday life.
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Despite what society tries to tell you, men aren't always turned on and ready to jump into bed with the first woman they see. 

While men are statistically less likely to suffer from low libido than women, a whopping 15% of the male population still report having a low sex drive. 

Though many men have problems with libido, it's not a subject that gets broached as often as it should. The stigma surrounding low libido in men is dissipating as awareness grows. 

Read on to learn about less obvious causes of low libido in men that can affect your sex drive. 

What Causes Low Libido in Men?

There may be a medical situation at play that leads to a loss of libido. Certain chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure can cause diminished sex drives in both men and women. 

Other causes of low libido are environmental factors that individuals have even more control over. This is what we're going to be delving deeper into in our blog today. If you can get a handle on some of the aspects of your life that might be negatively impacting your libido, you might notice increases in your sexual desire. 

1. Stress Levels

It probably doesn't come as a surprise that stress isn't good for any part of your body. When you're chronically stressed, you risk putting every major system of your body in danger. 

When it comes to libido, chronic stress can take a significant toll. You'll be much less likely to want to get between the sheets when the rest of your body is reacting to outside stressors. 

Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, can be beneficial in small doses. But when you're stressed out, the release of cortisol and erectile dysfunction tend to go hand-in-hand. ED can be one of the main factors causing low libido. 

There are many things you can do to reduce your stress levels. Cut back on caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, for example. You can also try increasing the amount you exercise and how much you sleep. If you're struggling with your stress levels, reaching out to a therapist for help might be incredibly beneficial for you. 

2. Exercise Regimen

Men who regularly participate in endurance exercise regimens are more likely to have a lower libido. Participating in extreme high-intensity exercises for extended periods can lead to exercise hypogonadal male condition, which can cause low testosterone and loss of desire in men. 

Too little exercise can lead to numerous adverse health conditions that can affect one's sexual appetite, also. A sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, all conditions that are associated with low libido. 

Men with low libido should try to hit the gym 3-4 days per week for about an hour each session to help jump-start their sex drive.

3. Drug Use

Drugs like marijuana are linked to a decrease in testosterone. The lower your testosterone is, the lower your libido will be. That's not even touching on the other effects of low testosterone levels, such as fatigue, increases in body fat, a decrease in muscle mass, and sleep disturbances.

Opioid use has been shown to cause an opioid-induced sexual dysfunction in some users. In fact, in 2016, the FDA issued a warning that long-term opioid use may cause decreases in sex hormone levels, a reduced appetite for sex, and even impotence and infertility. 

Certain anti-depressants are linked to a reduction in libido in both men and women. Quitting your medication cold turkey is never recommended. Try speaking with your doctor to see what they suggest. In some cases, lowering the anti-depressant dosage or taking it post-sex can help alleviate some of the related decreases in sex drive. 

4. Alcohol Use

Heavy use of alcohol has been linked to a host of adverse side effects when it comes to sexual function. 

First of all, it can impact a man's entire reproductive system. Drinking alcohol can affect the function of the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland, and the testes, resulting in impotence, erectile dysfunction, or even infertility. 

Excessive consumption can lower testosterone levels, which, aside from the negative sexual side effects, can cause depression and decreases in bone and muscle mass. 

Because alcohol is a depressant, your body's systems will slow down as you continue drinking. It causes dehydration, impacting how well your body can provide oxygen and blood flow to the genitals. Long-term alcohol abuse can cause damage to one's nervous system and may even lead to peripheral neuropathy or penis numbness. 

The average adult male should only be consuming 1 to 2 alcoholic beverages per day to avoid any of the long-term adverse side effects of alcohol consumption. 

5. Poor Sleep

By now we should all know the importance of a good night's rest. While the exact number of hours of shut-eye you need differs from person to person, the consensus is that, as a society, we are not sleeping as much as we should be. 

So, how does libido play into this equation? Studies have shown that getting less than eight hours of sleep per night can increase the likelihood that you'll suffer from depression or anxiety. Aside from the obvious side effects of these mental health disorders, they can also impact your sex life. 

Being deprived of sleep may mean that you're just too tired for sex. 

It's a bit of a problem. A healthy sex life will often lead to better overall sleep health and vice versa. But if you're not feeling the desire for sex, your sleep patterns could be negatively impacted as well. Sex and sleep have a truly interdependent relationship with one another. 

You should be aiming for seven or eight hours of sleep per night. Limit your evening intake of caffeine and try exercising for 30 minutes every day to promote healthier sleep patterns. 

The Outlook

The good news is that low libido in men is both preventable and treatable. Incorporating healthy habits and trying to eliminate the above factors can make a huge difference in both your sex drive and your life. 

If you're still searching for the answers to your problems in the bedroom, we might have just what you need. Contact us today to find out how our team of highly-qualified medical professionals can help you in the bedroom. 

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11 Exercises to Try for Erectile Dysfunction

Have you ever tried erectile dysfunction exercises? Give these 11 exercises a try to help with the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

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11 Exercises to Try for Erectile Dysfunction

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Have you ever tried erectile dysfunction exercises? Give these 11 exercises a try to help with the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
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Erectile dysfunction is not only embarrassing but also frustrating. Luckily there are various erectile dysfunction exercises that are proven to help your condition. 

While there is less science backing exercise to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) over medication, there are several studies that show how pelvic floor and cardio exercises can help treat ED. 

Keep reading to learn more. 

How Erectile Dysfunction Exercises Work 

Erectile dysfunction exercises do work. A 2005 study, examined 55 men over the age of 20 who suffered from ED.

One group did pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes, while the other only made lifestyle changes. After three months, the pelvic floor group had a higher recovery rate than the group that only made lifestyle changes. 

There was a 2011 study that found aerobic exercise like cycling, running and rowing also improved erection quality and reduced ED symptoms. 

In other words, erectile dysfunction exercises do work. Here are 11 different types of erectile dysfunction exercises you can try:

1. Lying Down Pelvic Floor Activation

This exercise is simple. The key is training your body to activate your pelvic floor muscles. This activation can help you achieve an erection. 

Lie on your back with bent knees, feet flat on the floor, and your arms by your side. Then exhale while squeezing your pelvic floor muscles and counting to three. Next, inhale and release to a count of three. 

Be sure to take your time with this. This way you can target the muscles at the bottom of your pelvis, instead of only your stomach, legs, and or glutes. 

2. Sitting Pelvic Floor Activation

For this exercise, you'll want to sit with your arms by your side, feet hip-width apart, and flat on the floor. Use the same technique as exercise one, activating your pelvic floor muscles for a three count on and inhale and exhale. Again, make sure your glutes, stomach and leg muscles are not contracting. 

3. Standing Pelvic Floor Activation

For this, stand up straight with your arms by your side and your feet hip-width apart. Use the same pelvic floor activation technique from the first two exercises. Again, make sure your glutes, stomach, and leg muscles are not contracting. 

4. Knee Fallouts

This beginners' pilates exercise includes very small movements. Lie down with bent knees, flat feet, and arms by your sides. With a neutral spine and a small space between your back and the floor, exhale squeezing your pelvic floor muscles while lowering one knee to the floor. 

Only lower your knee as far as you can while keeping your pelvic floor muscles active and stable. Inhale as you release your muscles, and bend your knee again. Repeat this on the other side with four to five reps on each side, building up to ten per side. 

5. Spine Foot Raises

This exercise also focuses on small movements. Lie down with bent knees, flat feet and arms by your side. Exhale engaging your pelvic floor while raising one foot off the floor.

Be sure to keep your spine and pelvis still. Then inhale, lower your foot back down to the ground and alternate sides. 

6. Pelvic Curl

If you ever dabbled in pilates, you might be familiar with the pelvic curl. For this curl, lie on your back with bent knees, flat feet and arms by your side. Keep your spine neutral with a small space between your middle back and floor. 

Exhale, engaging your pelvic floor muscles, while tilting your pelvis and pressing your back against the floor. Lift your butt, pushing your heels on the floor, squeezing your butt and lifting your lower and mid back. 

Keep your body weight on your shoulders as you take three breaths, squeezing your back and pelvic floor muscles. Then lower your butt and back to floor vertebra by vertebra. Repeat this four times, building up to ten. 

7. Basic Kegel Exercise

Men can Kegal too! This is actually the best way to find your pelvic floor muscles. Stop your stream several times in the middle of your urination. Those muscles that you clench to do this, are your pelvic floor muscles. 

To do a Kegel, squeeze these muscles, hold them for five seconds and then relax. Do this ten to twenty more times two to three times a day. You also might want to try to do Kegels in different positions like standing, sitting in a chair or lying down with your knees up. 

Aerobic Exercises

As mentioned earlier, aerobic exercises can also help you recover from ED. A 2015 study, discovered that aerobic exercises can help ED.

This is because ED is usually caused by a blood flow issue to the penis. Conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and vascular disease can prevent this blood flow which would lead to ED. If you add aerobic exercise to your weekly routine, your health can improve and so can your ED.  

Here are some aerobic activities that can help treat ED. You'll want to do at least 40 minutes at a high intensity for at least six months to see and feel results. You can either mix up these exercises or do one for the entire time. 

8. Cycling Or Spin Classes 

This can be either on a stationary bike at a gym, a mobile bike around your neighborhood or in spin class. Make sure you work with an instructor to perfect your form so you don't hurt yourself. 

9. Boxing 

Boxing is a great cardio exercise and an excellent way to clear your mind. Either take a boxing class or hit the bag on your own.  Make sure you stay moving.

10. Rowing 

Rowing is a great way to get your blood flowing. Almost every gym has a stationary rowing machine that will make you feel the burn. Rowing also works your pelvic muscles. 

When you row, make sure you have excellent form. Hinge your hips while tilting your torso as you lean over your legs. Keep your back straight as you push off using your leg muscles. 

11. Running/ Skipping

Running, skipping, even a brisk 40 minute walk three to four times a week is all you need to improve your car cardiovascular health. This movement can improve your ED. 

Start These Exercises Today! 

Find the erectile dysfunction exercises that work the best for you and your lifestyle and start moving today.

The only thing you have to lose is your erectile dysfunction. For more information on erectile dysfunction, check out our blog!

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12 Signs of a Testosterone Deficiency in Men

In this guide, we explain the most common low testosterone symptoms in men. Are you suffering from any of these symptoms?

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12 Signs of a Testosterone Deficiency in Men

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In this guide, we explain the most common low testosterone symptoms in men. Are you suffering from any of these symptoms?
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Having low testosterone on its own is not inherently dangerous or unhealthy. However, if your testosterone does drop suddenly, it can point to an underlying health issue. Testosterone levels that are too low can lead to other health complications, as well. 

Knowing a few of the common low testosterone symptoms in men can help you identify when you are experiencing an issue. This can help you receive treatment quickly, increasing the odds that you can erase the symptoms.

Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men

Testosterone will drop over time as you age. According to Harvard Medical School, your testosterone levels will peak around 40. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms before that time, you may want to consult your doctor. 

Hot Flashes

Though not a physical change, hot flashes are one of the first symptoms of low testosterone that you will experience. Since they will occur regularly, and leave you sweating or uncomfortable when you otherwise would not be, hot flashes may be the first warning sign that you notice.
However, remember that hot flashes are a common sensation that can attributed to many causes, including basic ones like colds or fevers. You shouldn't worry about low testosterone unless you experience hot flashes with another warning sign on this list.  

Reduced Libido

One of the primary symptoms associated with low testosterone is a much slower sex drive. Testosterone levels that are very low will reduce your desire to have sex.

Erection Problems

Beyond reducing your desire to have sex, low testosterone levels can also affect your ability to maintain an erection. Beyond being intimate, you may also find yourself not getting an erection when you would otherwise naturally - such as when waking up in the morning.

Less Ejaculate Fluid

Another fairly common issue associated with testosterone levels that are lower than they should be is less fluid ejaculated during sex.  This is because testosterone plays a central role in the production of those fluids.

Testicle Changes

The below the belt changes do not end with sex. Low testosterone can also change the size of your testicles in some cases. You will likely see your testicles grow smaller.

Hair Loss

Low levels of testosterone can also have an effect on your hair. You may find that your hair begins to thin, or bald patches emerge. This is not limited to your head: you will likely find that your entire body will begin to lose hair if your testosterone levels stay low for long enough. 

Increased Fat

A lack of testosterone can increase the rate that your body accumulates fat. This can lead to weight gain, especially in the chest and hip area. This occurs when estrogen levels are higher than testosterone levels. 

Low testosterone levels over a long period can cause you to become overweight or even obese. While exercise and eating healthy can help reduce weight gain, treating the underlying cause of low testosterone is the best long-term solution. 

Reduced Muscle Mass

At the same time that testosterone causes an increase in fat, it can cause a decrease in muscle size. This can take the form of reduced strength, poor definition of muscles, and exercise becoming more difficult despite no other changes. 

Sleep Issues

A lack of testosterone in your body can make it much harder for you to fall asleep at night. It can also make it more difficult to stay asleep once you do fall asleep.

Insomnia can be treated with sleeping aids like melatonin, but you don't want to become reliant on them. This can prevent you from falling asleep normally, even after your testosterone levels return to normal. 


In a very similar vein to the above point, low testosterone levels can make it very hard to find the energy to do even basic tasks. Part of this can be attributed to a lack of sleep and proper rest. A reduction in overall strength and muscle mass also contributes, as you will find it takes more energy to do simple things. 

While you can treat this in the short term, through things like caffeine, you will also find that you will hit extreme energy lows afterwards. Coffee will only carry you so far. 

Concentration Issues

As a natural extension of being unable to sleep properly and having low energy levels in general, you may find it hard to concentrate. However, you may find that your concentration suffers even if your sleep does not. 


Finally, the last thing that you can watch out for that can point to testosterone issues is a general irritableness. When coupled with a lack of concentration, you may find your performance at work or school suffer.

In some cases, you may not even notice that you are increasingly aggressive or irritated. Pay attention to what your friends and family tell you about how you're acting to get a better picture of your mental state. 

Talk to a Medical Professional About Treatment

If you have experienced any, or several, of the above low testosterone symptoms in men, you should talk to your doctor. If your low testosterone is caused by aging, there are treatments available that can alleviate the symptoms.

However, if you are still young, your low testosterone levels may be due to another factor. Health issues that cause low testosterone vary, but can be serious. Identifying and treating them early can help increase your chance of recovery. 

For more information about low testosterone, check out this article on testosterone therapy

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How to Use Physical Therapy for ED

Physical ED therapy is becoming an increasingly popular treatment option. Here's how physical therapy for erectile dysfunction.

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How to Use Physical Therapy for ED

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Physical ED therapy is becoming an increasingly popular treatment option. Here's how physical therapy for erectile dysfunction.
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A man's self-confidence and identity are tied to sexual health, as this is a sign of aging and wellness.

If you are experience erectile dysfunction, it can negatively affect your relationship and your overall identity. When you are trying to beat erectile dysfunction, one of the best things you can do is undergo physical therapy.

You may not have heard about ED therapy, but this is the track that many men should look into when they are dealing with these sorts of issues.

This is important since more than 50 percent of men are dealing with erectile dysfunction in some form or another. In order to get past ED through the use of physical therapy, read the points below.

ED Therapy Involves Building Your Pelvic Floor

Erectile dysfunction involves both physical and mental issues. In terms of the physical aspect, a lot of this involves having a weak pelvic floor.

Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles near your testicles, anus, and perineum that help you sustain erections. When you build your pelvic floor, you will be easier able to keep hard, firm erections with little to no issues.

When you learn to flex these muscles, you will also have a lot more control over your ejaculation, which can help a number of men in many ways as well. Many people associate these sorts of exercises with women, as they use Kegel exercises to tighten their vaginal muscles for better sex and easier childbirth.

The beauty of beating your pelvic floor is that you can do these exercises whenever you want. You can be standing in line at the bank or sitting in traffic and getting a full workout in.

When you go to a company that offers ED therapy, you will be able to get a series of exercises under the guidance of professionals that can walk you through them. In addition to going into the clinic to handle these exercises, you can also do them on your own whenever you're home.

You'll Get More Access to And An Understanding of Your Muscle Groups

If you are looking into getting ED therapy, it's important that you actually feel your way through the process and get a feel for your muscle groups.

These groups need to be flexed regularly, and you will get to know muscles that you have never even been conscious of before. The muscle group, known as your PC muscles, will let you get to know your body more, and you will have the opportunity to really thrive and make sure that you are tackling your ED issues head-on.

It Increases Blood flow, Which is the Culprit For Many ED Issues

In many cases, when you have ED issues, you might also have heart issues.

Sure, much of sex is mental, but you will need to make sure that you get ahead of the game when tackling the physical issues, which boils down to a lack of blood flow.

When you do ED exercises, you will increase blood flow to your genitals, which can help you overcome circulation issues that are hampering your sexual life. By flexing these muscles on a regular basis, you will train your body to take in this healthy blood, so that you have stiffer, firmer erections with ease.

Use This Therapy as a Launching Point For Your Overall Health

Once you start to get your ED under control, it will prompt you to want to know what other health issues you can overcome.

This is especially important because total body health is the only kind of health that matters. After increasing blood flow to your genitals, you will want to figure out how to increase your overall blood flow.

A lot of men go into lifting heavy weights so that they can improve their testosterone levels and blood flow. Squats, in particular, will be helpful in building your glutes and PC muscles, so that you can sustain healthier erections.

Additionally, make sure that you are adding lots of cardio to your routine so that you can improve blood flow. Running, HIIT exercises and yoga are great exercises that will improve your blood flow and allow you to live a healthier life and keep ED at bay.

This will also renew your confidence and mental health so that you can perform better in bed and be relaxed when it is time to have sex. This is half the battle when it comes to overcoming problems with ED.

Be Sure That You're Eating a Diet That Helps as Well

In addition to the exercises that you put in, you will also need to be sure that your diet matches it.

You will need to eat foods that keep your heart healthy and that ramp up your energy levels and testosterone.

When you want to make sure that ED issues are improving, you should track your erection progress and your sexual health as a whole. You can even keep a journal so that you can see what sorts of results you are getting so that you can keep improving little by little.

Use These Tips For Beating Erectile Dysfunction

As you can see, ED therapy is where it's at when you are trying to improve your sexual health. Since erectile dysfunction is widespread, consider putting these tips to use.

When you beat ED, you'll get your life and your confidence back in order.

To learn more about erectile dysfunction, stay tuned to our content.


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Top Vitamins to Take for ED

Incorporating the following vitamins for ED into your diet may help with the symptoms. Here are the top vitamins to try.

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Top Vitamins to Take for ED

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Incorporating the following vitamins for ED into your diet may help with the symptoms. Here are the top vitamins to try.
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Some people think that erectile dysfunction is a condition that only affects older men.

The truth, though, is that it affects men of all ages. In fact, one in four ED patients is a younger man (meaning younger than 40). 

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction and need relief from your symptoms, there are a lot of vitamin supplements that might benefit you. 

If you're not sure where to begin when it comes to shopping for vitamins for ED, keep reading.

Listed below are some of the best vitamins for ED, along with tips to make sure you're purchasing safe, high-quality products.

Vitamin D

It's common for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction to also suffer from low levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D acts as a hormone in the body and helps all of the cells of the body to communicate with each other.

The main way people get vitamin D is from direct sun exposure, which is hard to come by in this day and age.

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, consider getting your vitamin D levels checked. If they're low, you may need to take a supplement to increase your blood levels.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for good male sexual health, too. This vitamin plays an important role in healthy blood flow.

Without adequate vitamin C, you'll experience poor blood flow, which affects various aspects of your health, including your ability to achieve and maintain an erection. 

There are lots of foods you can consume that contain vitamin C, including the following:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Berries
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Pineapple

If you don't consume these foods on a regular basis, you can also take vitamin C in supplement form.


The body uses L-citrulline, which is an amino acid, to make L-arginine. The body then converts L-arginine into another chemical known as nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide helps the blood vessels to remain open so that blood can flow through them in an efficient manner. As mentioned above, proper blood flow is essential if you want to experience good sexual health.

L-citrulline is present in foods like lemons, watermelon, and pomegranates. You can also take L-citrulline in supplement form.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, can contribute to healthy blood flow as well.

You can get adequate amounts of niacin in your diet by eating the following foods:

  • Chicken breasts
  • Tuna
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Turkey
  • Liver
  • Mushrooms
  • Peanuts
  • Peas

Because it's present in so many common foods, most people don't need to take niacin supplements.

It's important to get tested before you decide to try and supplement or increase your niacin intake. Too much niacin can cause issues like gout, ulcers, and irregular heart rhythms.

Folic Acid

Many people associate folic acid with pregnant women. It's a beneficial supplement for pregnant women, but men dealing with ED can benefit from it as well.

Folic acid helps with nitric oxide production. It also helps to lower levels of homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine can impair erectile function.

Some men who suffer from moderate-to-severe ED also suffer from low folic acid levels. Good sources of folic acid include the following:

  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Oranges
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Grains
  • Cereals
  • Pasta

You may also benefit from taking folic acid supplements.

How to Choose the Best Vitamins for ED

There are quite a few vitamins and supplements on the market that can help those who suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Before you head to your local drugstore and pick up a random bottle of vitamins, it's important to know how to evaluate nutritional supplements to ensure they're safe and of the highest quality.

The following are some times that will make it easier for you to vet products and avoid wasting your money and putting your health at risk:

Consider the Concentration

If you're considering buying a particular supplement, you should look at the nutrition label on the back and consider the concentration that a serving of the supplement delivers.

Steer clear of supplements that provide more than 100 percent of the daily recommended dose of a vitamin or nutrient. This will help you avoid toxicity issues.

Look for Seals of Approval

Check the supplement bottle, too, to see if any third-party testing took place.

Ideally, any supplement you take will have a seal of approval from a third-party organization.

These seals of approval show that the supplement manufacturer takes quality and safety seriously. 

Avoid Foreign Manufacturers

Supplements that come from a foreign manufacturer can be a bit questionable. Products made overseas aren't always subject to the same regulations as products made in the United States.

It's harder to verify the quality and safety of a product when it comes from overseas, and you might not know what you're getting.  

Be Wary of Grandiose Claims

No supplement can take care of all your problems. Steer clear of products that claim to do this or make other grandiose, too-good-to-be-true promises.

At best, these products won't do what they claim. At worst, they could cause harm and make your symptoms worse.

Talk to Your Doctor

Last, but not least, talk to your doctor before you start taking any kind of vitamins or other supplements. This is especially true of vitamins and supplements to help with ED.

Your doctor will recommend a particular dosage and help you make sure you're not taking too much or too little. They'll also recommend brands to ensure you're getting a safe, high-quality product.

Get More Help for ED Today

As you can see, there are a lot of safe and effective vitamins for ED that you might want to try.

Sometimes, though, you need additional help to treat this condition and feel your best. In addition to trying these vitamins for ED, you may need to use prescription ED medications, too.

If you're not comfortable with having your ED prescription filled at a pharmacy, we deliver ED medications right to your door.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our service and how it works.