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Where Do Roaches Come From? The Causes Explained

Are you wondering where do roaches come from exactly? If yes, you should check out our list of causes by clicking right here.

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Where Do Roaches Come From? The Causes Explained

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Are you wondering where do roaches come from exactly? If yes, you should check out our list of causes by clicking right here.
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where do roaches come from
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how do you get cockroaches, why do i have roaches, where do you get roaches, where do cockroaches come from, can roaches travel from house to house
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Adobe Stock royalty-free image #106695816, 'brown cockroach' uploaded by wanchai chaipanya, standard license purchased from; file retrieved on July 2nd, 2019. License details available at - image is licensed under the Adobe Stock Standard License


Cockroaches are the number one pest that plague a home. They carry diseases, and can easily spread them wherever they walk. The worst part, roaches can invade your home even if it's clean. 

But where do roaches come from? Well, there are a number of places you can pick up these nasty invaders. That's why we put together this short article to help you stay vigilant against an infestation. 

Second-Hand Goods

A lot of items donated to second-hand shops aren't checked to see if they have pests in them. Because of this, it's easy to pick up unwanted guests in these types of items. Additionally, yardsales can attract roaches because these items give them a place to hide. 

So if you've recently bought a used couch from a yard sale, or bought clothes at a thrift shop you could have picked up some stowaways too. If they aren't checked at the store or before you bring them into your home you could be bringing these pests in through the front door. 

Grocery Stores and Restaurants 

Yes, you read that right, you can pick up roaches at the grocery store and even restaurants. The cardboard boxes and abundance of food make these stores an ideal roach sanctuary.

Before loading your groceries into your car be sure to check your bags or boxes for any signs of these annoying pests. Additionally, if you're dining at a restaurant be sure to check your pockets, purse, or wallet for any sign of roaches that may be trying to hitch a ride to your house. 

Holes and Cracks In Your Home

There are several types of cockroaches some of these live primarily outside. But they will seek shelter inside of a home. 

A cockroach is very flexible and can flatten its body so it can fit in virtually any hole or crack. This can give them extra opportunities to make your home theirs. So be sure to take care of any holes or cracks you notice around your house. 

Through the Plumbing

Many roaches use the plumbing of a building to get from one place to another. This is how an infestation can spread through an apartment so quickly. To help prevent an infestation make sure all pipe holes are sealed and that the seals are undamaged and intact.

So Where do Roaches Come From?

Well, they can come from anywhere really. Your local grocery store, restaurant, school, work, yardsales, outside. But by staying vigilant and reducing the opportunity for them to get in, you can avoid an infestation. 

But if you've already got an infestation you may need to enlist the help of an exterminator. Here at Chet's, we offer a free 57 point inspection to help determine the best course of action. 

Learn More With Us

We hope you're not asking "where do roaches come from" anymore. Be sure to share this on social media to help keep your friends and family safe from infestation too. We also have other great articles like this one on keeping all kinds of pests out of your home.

If you're ready to go above and beyond to keep pests out be sure to contact us here.